Historia de YLM

YLM Heavy Industry Ciencia y Tecnología duranteel proceso de desarrollo de los últimos 30 años, se fuerma una cultura empresarial y rica en contenido único.

La construcción de la cultura de la empresa YLM Heavy Industry Ciencia y Tecnología ser la cohesión y la solidaridad del punto de agregación y la fuente de energía para el desarrollo sostenible de las empresas.

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Perfil de Empresa

Se trata de una moderna empresa con la investigación, fabricación y ventas juntos. La matriz se encuentra enla zona HI-TECH Industry Development de Zhengzhou y cubiertas 80.000 m ².

YLM Heavy Industry

Planta de Trituradora

Molienda Industrial

Planta Producción Arena

Solicitud de información

Gracias por su interés en YLM Heavy Industry. Si usted quiere saber más informaciones sobre las trituradoras y molinos de industria, contáctenos ahora para saber qué podemos hacer para su próximo proyecto.

Gracias por su interés en YLM Heavy Industry. Si usted quiere saber más informaciones sobre las trituradoras y molinos de industria, contáctenos ahora para saber qué podemos hacer para su próximo proyecto.

Address:No.169, Science (Kexue) Avenue, National HI-TECH Industry Development Zone, Zhengzhou, China

Send E-mail:[email protected]

rock screening plants

  • Portable Screen Plants, Rip-Rap Plants, and Screening Equipment

    portable screen plants; track mounted screens; and complete material handling plants with stockpiling conveyors, including rip rap plants for large rock. Wet screen plants are also available to provide washing of materials during the screening process. Inventory

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  • Compact Screening Plant Screen Machine

    Scalper 107T Portable Screening Plant. The Scalper 107T is a patented, extremely heavy-duty, track-mounted mobile screener designed to screen heavy rock, sand, soils and

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  • Crushing Screening Plants - MEKA

    MEKA Crushing and Screening Technology serves all industries involved in size reduction of rock and minerals, meeting your specific requirements from single to mobile plants and complete rock processing plants, all

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  • Sandvik Crusher Plants, Rock Crusher Plants, Stone

    No matter what your crushing or screening challenges are, Sandvik Plant Solutions has a high-performance crusher plant that fits your specific needs and budget. Choose

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  • Crushing and screening plants - stationary, mobile and portable

    Metso crushing and screening plants offering covers tailored and pre-designed stationary plants, mobile plants, and portable plants – as well as process optimization

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  • Astec Portable Screen Plants - Astec

    Engineered for a variety of applications, our screening plants enable producers to succeed in a variety of markets including recycle, aggregate, mining, biomass and industrial materials. We offer a variety of portable

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  • Dual Power Crushers and Screeners Terex Finlay

    The Finlay® 684 hybrid portable rock screening plant offers operators the flexibility to power the plant either by an electrical connection or diesel/hydraulic configuration. The

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