Historia de YLM

YLM Heavy Industry Ciencia y Tecnología duranteel proceso de desarrollo de los últimos 30 años, se fuerma una cultura empresarial y rica en contenido único.

La construcción de la cultura de la empresa YLM Heavy Industry Ciencia y Tecnología ser la cohesión y la solidaridad del punto de agregación y la fuente de energía para el desarrollo sostenible de las empresas.

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Perfil de Empresa

Se trata de una moderna empresa con la investigación, fabricación y ventas juntos. La matriz se encuentra enla zona HI-TECH Industry Development de Zhengzhou y cubiertas 80.000 m ².

YLM Heavy Industry

Planta de Trituradora

Molienda Industrial

Planta Producción Arena

Solicitud de información

Gracias por su interés en YLM Heavy Industry. Si usted quiere saber más informaciones sobre las trituradoras y molinos de industria, contáctenos ahora para saber qué podemos hacer para su próximo proyecto.

Gracias por su interés en YLM Heavy Industry. Si usted quiere saber más informaciones sobre las trituradoras y molinos de industria, contáctenos ahora para saber qué podemos hacer para su próximo proyecto.

Address:No.169, Science (Kexue) Avenue, National HI-TECH Industry Development Zone, Zhengzhou, China

Send E-mail:[email protected]

stone crusher rules

  • Karnataka Regulation of Stone Crushers (Amendment) Rules, 2014

    1. Title and commencement: - (1) These rules may be called the Karnataka Regulation of Stone Crushers (Amendment) Rules, 2014. (2) They shall come into force from the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. 2. Amendment of rule 2. - In the Karnataka

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  • How to start Stone Crushing Unit License Documents - Enterclimate

    A stone-crushing unitis usually set up near rocky and hilly areas, near ores, coal mines and quarries. A stone crusher not only crushes rocks but can be used for crushing coal,

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  • United States Environmental Protection Agency General Permit for

    2017.2.13  A stone quarrying, crushing, and screening (SQCS) facility is any stationary or portable non-metallic mineral processing facility which uses rock crushers,

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  • CPCB’s new guidelines for India’s stone crusher sector a welcome

    2023.5.26  The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) published the Environmental Guidelines for Stone Crushing units May 12, 2023. The stone crusher

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    Be it enacted by the Karnataka State Legislature in the seventy first year of the Republic of India, as follows:-. Short title and commencement.-(1) This Act may be called the

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    (i) “rules” means rules made under this Ordinance; (j) “safer zone” means a location or a zone declared as such by the Licencing Authority, by notification; (k) “stone crusher”

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  • MPCB Home Page Maharashtra Pollution Control Board

    Stone Crusher units shall comply with the provisions of the Noise pollution (Regulation and Control) Rule 2000 and as amended thereof to control Noise Pollution. Solid waste

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    Act, 1981 and the Environmental Protection Act, 1986 and rules made there under as prescribed by KSPCB from time to time. (2) each unit shall conform to the Noise

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  • 7 Types of Stone Crusher and How to Choose the Best?

    2021.9.23  1. Type and Hardness of Materials The type and hardness of materials are the first factors to be considered in the selection of crushing equipment. Different types of materials will have different hardness and

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